Bluestacks alternative windows
Bluestacks alternative windows

It will give you many advantages, and you are free to enjoy multiple apps at the same time. Using this emulator, you can run two different tasks at the same time. You don’t need to worry about the resources because this emulator works using low sources. You can use all Android-based applications on your PC and iOS-based mobiles. It is available for different Android versions.

bluestacks alternative windows

It is a fabulous Android emulator which knows everything of your need. Remix OS Player – Advanced Android Game Emulator for PC It requires 3GB RAM and Up to 20GB Free Disk Space.ĭownload Andy Emulator 3. You can download it from the Google Play store, and it supports X86 native apps. You just need to take care of the available storage space of your device and Andy emulator storage, then you are ready to install as many apps as you want. You can install and use any social media apps on the fastest speed, and there is no need to install any other supportive app. You can easily use this emulator, and there are different options which allow you to download any app from any browser directly to your Andy OS. It is widely available for Windows and Mac and considered as best because of its high performance. Andy – Android Emulator for PC and MacĪndy Android emulator is another best alternative for Bluestack, and you can use this emulator for free. It is free for KitKat OS and also available in a paid version which is for Lollipop OS.ĭownload YouWave Emulator 2.

bluestacks alternative windows

When you want to run this emulator, you just need 2.0GB DRAM, 500MB disk space and any version of Windows. You should know that you can run this emulator on your low configuration PC smoothly without any issue.

Bluestacks alternative windows